These 8 Reptile Species Are Popular Pets to Keep at Home

Many species of reptiles are popular as pets. They are fascinating to observe, often require less direct contact compared to other pets, and offer unique insights into the animal world. Here is an overview of the reptiles commonly kept at home:

1. Geckos

Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius):

  • One of the most popular geckos for beginners.
  • Low maintenance, needs a dry to semi-dry terrarium.
  • Peaceful and easy to observe.

Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus):

  • Native to New Caledonia, requires a humid and warm terrarium.
  • Active at night, hides during the day.
  • Can walk on smooth surfaces.

2. Chameleons

Yemen Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus):

  • Impressive color changes and distinctive casque.
  • Suitable for experienced keepers.
  • Needs a large, well-ventilated terrarium with UVB light.

Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis):

  • Known for its vibrant colors.
  • Demanding and sensitive to stress.
  • Prefers tropical conditions.

3. Tortoises

Greek Tortoise (Testudo hermanni):

  • Popular for its calm temperament.
  • Needs an outdoor enclosure with plenty of sunlight.
  • Feeds mainly on herbs and vegetables.

Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus):

  • A small aquatic turtle.
  • Ideal for a well-equipped aquarium with land and water sections.
  • Feeds on fish, insects, and plant-based foods.

4. Snakes

Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus):

  • One of the best snakes for beginners.
  • Low maintenance and calm.
  • Feeds on small rodents.

Ball Python (Python regius):

  • Impressive but very calm and shy.
  • Needs a heat- and humidity-controlled terrarium.
  • Perfect for experienced keepers.

5. Iguanas and Agamas

Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps):

  • Very popular due to its tameness.
  • Diurnal and ideal for beginners.
  • Needs a desert terrarium with plenty of heat and UVB light.

Green Iguana (Iguana iguana):

  • An impressive, but demanding exotic pet.
  • Requires a large terrarium and extensive care.
  • Vegetarian diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. Monitors

Ackie Dwarf Monitor (Varanus acanthurus):

  • A small representative of the monitor species, ideal for a large terrarium.
  • Intelligent and active, needs a lot of stimulation.
  • Eats insects and smaller animals.

7. Amphibian-like Reptiles

Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum):

  • Although an amphibian, the axolotl is often mentioned in reptile circles.
  • Lives exclusively in water and requires a cool aquarium.
  • Fascinating due to its regenerative abilities.

8. Exotic Reptiles

Blue Tree Monitor (Varanus macraei):

  • Very exotic and suitable for experienced keepers.
  • Impressive for its bright blue color.
  • Needs a tropical terrarium with ample space.

Helmeted Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus):

  • Also known as the “Jesus Lizard” due to its ability to run on water.
  • Needs a tropical habitat with plenty of water.

What Makes a Reptile a Good Pet?

Reptiles are ideal for people who:

  • Want a calm, yet fascinating pet.
  • Enjoy setting up a customized habitat.
  • Prefer animals that require less interaction.

Reptiles for Beginners

For newcomers, the following reptiles are particularly suitable:

  • Leopard Geckos
  • Bearded Dragons
  • Corn Snakes
  • Greek Tortoises

Reptiles for Advanced Keepers

Experienced keepers can handle more demanding species such as:

  • Chameleons
  • Ball Pythons
  • Green Iguanas

Reptiles are not only (sometimes) easy to care for but also fascinating animals to observe. When choosing the right pet, it’s important to inform yourself about their specific needs and requirements beforehand. With proper care and an appropriate habitat, reptiles can make exceptional companions.

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